Digital Artist ┊ Content Creator┊ Vet-Technician

Hello, I'm Chiara but you can call me Fleira. I'm an italian girl who loves bubble tea, sakura flowers and animals in general.I'm specialized in drawing animals in cartoon style, that's why I'm a full time digital artist for the pet industry and the furry fandom since 2016, with some skills in animation and graphics.Due to my background as Vet-Technician, my second aim is to teach people to understand and respect all living beings through my art and live streams.If you want to know something more about me, you can find me on Twitch as a variety streamer with my V-Tuber, Sekai.

❥ Diploma in "Languages High School" in 2015.❥ Degree in "Animal Breeding & Welfare - Veterinary" at Milan University in 2020.❥ 2 years of experience as Vet Technician in different italian clinics.❥ Animal Content Creator on different social medias.

✿ Joined in the furry fandom in 2010, thanks to "the lion king" community.✿ Developed artistic skills thanks to tutorials on youtube, deviantart, facebook and furaffinity.✿ Taking commissions since 2016.✿ Became a freelance artist in 2022.

❤ Creating edits and AMV since 2012 on youtube.❤ Developed interests and skills in VR and Vtubing since 2019.❤ Vtuber Debut as Variety Streamer and Digital Artist on Twitch in November 2022.❤ Started to create 2D/3D avatars in 2024

Sekai is a shapeshifter kemono dog (Shikoku Ken breed) born in Milan (Italy) on 1st May.
She's currently able to mutate into a western dragon and a tuna and she's trying her best to to learn how to shapeshift into other animals.
Yeah, you read it right: she was trying to turn herself into a shark, but something went wrong during the transformation...

The power to mutate comes from her deer horns, which will shine during the process.She's also a healer, but only in her kemono form: as a dragon and a tuna, she is limited to the powers bestowed by the shapeshifted creature.
She can heal wounds and the slightest illnesses. That's why her coat is fully adorned with bright pinkish hearts.
Her healing abilities comes from the mere touch of her big hearty pawpads
Sekai hasn't always been a kemono dog: she was originally Fleira and Airsoul's dog
and her name was "Yuna".
Due to her strong desire to be part of her humans' activities, Yuna managed to create an avatar and to travel between the digital and the real world, using Fleira Personae as catalysts.
This is how Sekai was born: the combination of Fleira, Yuna and Airsoul Personae
That's why sometimes Sekai refers to herself as Fleira
To learn even more about the human world, Sekai decided to found a guild and to learn everything she can from its members, sharing her knowledge with them.Since Fleira is obsessed with flowers and cherry blossoms, she decided to base the guild theme on flowers, especially on cherry blossoms. That's why the guild was named "Senbonzakura".

While she was designing the structure of her guild, Sekai came across two griffins the size of hummingbirds: Valor and Ventus.
They were injured and she decided to take care of them until they fully recovered.Without realizing it, Sekai inherited Fleira's Veterinarian skills. That's why she manages to take care of animals and to heal human wounds.
Once healed, Valor and Ventus decided to stay with Sekai instead of leaving, becoming her guild companions.Valor and Ventus were Fleira's pets even before Yuna birth. She was deep bonded with them and she was heartbroken when they passed away. Their presence in Sekai World is due to the catalyst, Fleira Persona: her parrots memories were so strong that they were able to create Valor and Ventus Avatars too.
Everything is made through an Ipad pro 11 and programs like Procreate and Live2D

Fleira Sekai Asset
DevPollo Stream Asset
Instagram & Twitter

❥ By purchaising any artowork or service from me, you automatically declare to be 18+ years old, to accept my terms of service and what's said down below;❥ I am always open for commissions but my queue can vary and I will work on a limited number of artworks each month. Check my trello before commissioning me to estimate the waiting time (further details on my TOS);❥ Fill out the form to hire me for a commission. Its submission won't reserve you a slot in the queue. I need to review and approve your idea first;❥ If you don't possess a reference sheet of your character and I have to design it (even partially), a surcharge may be added to the final price.❥ The final price will be established after discussing about details. I accept payments through paypal invoices,artistree, vgen or revolut;❥ Once I start your commission, you will be updated every time it goes on through your preferred method (telegram, email etc.).
Your trello-list will always be updated for others as well, except for private commissions.❥ The drawing process is set in the following stages: rough sketch, clean sketch, lineart, colors, shading, rendering.❥ You cannot change what you want your commission to be after the agreement. However, small changes and revisions are acceptable only during the sketch stages. Asking for corrections or alterations after that moment may occur extra charges.❥ Starting from your booked slot, I usually take from 10 to 45 days to complete a commission, but it depends by the commission type and external factors. I'll do my best to complete your commission in the time frame of your booked slot. However, complex commission may take more time to be completed.
These terms of service are subject to change at any time.
It is your interest to check them from time to time
• By purchaising any artwork or service from me, you automatically declare to be 18+ years old and to accept these terms of service.• I have the right to deny your inquiry if it doesn't match with my needs in that moment.• I only provide digital files and I won't ship a printed version of your work.
• My slots are limited and I will work on a certain number of commissions each month. Depending on your position in the queue, I will begin your commission in that specific month. Time taken for completion depends by the complexity of the commission, but consider a time frame of 10-45 days.• You can check the availability on my trello under the heading of "free slots".• I am always open for commissions, but I highly recommend to check my trello before hiring me, to estimate the waiting time and when I'll begin to work on your project.Consider that depending on external factors, your commission may be delayed to the next month, without losing your position in the queue.
For example: if your slot is the last one of August, it can happened to be delayed as the first Semptember's slot. The same happens to the commission slots after yours.For this reason, I highly recommend to reserve a slot before my queue becomes too long.
• Payments are due upfront, immediately after the agreement or within 24 hours. I only accept EUR (€) via paypal invoices, stripe, revolut payment or artistree.This means that the payment must be made even if your position in the queue is within the next two months• I am available for payment plans for commissions over 100€, just state it when you contact me and we'll discuss about that.
However, I won't go beyond the sketch until the full payment is done and you have to pay a monthly fee.
• Rough sketches are useful to establish the pose and the perspective of your commission. In this stage, you can eventually ask me to change the whole pose only 2 times. After that, you will be charged 10€ +5€ per extra character for each additional change.• Once the rough sketch is approved, details and refinements will be done and it will become a clean sketch. In this stage you can ask for small changes; bigger ones will lead to a charge of 10-40€.• After sketch stages, revisions and corrections aren't allowed anymore. However, if a coloring mistake is made or some details are missing, feel free to point it out of course.
• I retain all the rights to my work, which includes but is not limited to:
1) the right to use artworks for self-promotion;
2) upload it to any of my personal galleries or portfolio, unless otherwise agreed upon• I am available for private/anonymus commissions. In this case the artwork won't be ulpoaded in my art-galleries, but a 30-50% surcharge on the final price will be required, depending on the nature of the commission itself.• You must always credit me when reposting or using any of my art• The commission is valid for personal use only.
For example: avatar, wallpaper, icon, personal gallery (with credit given), etc.
• You are not allowed to use my art for commercial use without my proven consent and I signed agreement.
In that case, a legal agreement will be prepared for you and it will require another final quote.When an artwork is considered for "commercial use"?
If you are a freelancer or a company that requires a commission for its activity.• I may use any artwork I create for sell and presentation at Dealers' Den, Art-Shows and Merch in printed form. if you refuse to let me use your work in these contexts, a surcharge of 10% will be required.
• If you decide to cancel your order, you are eligible for a refund of a maximum 90% of the commission cost: a 10% booking fee will be withheld if I have not yet started your work; otherwise, I can refund only the work that wasn't done.For example, if you ask a refund of a commissioned artwork but I've already inked and colored it, you'll receive the refund of shading and render stages only.• Since you are always aware of your commission's progress through telegram, email or trello, you can't ask a refund for "non-satisfaction".
I am always available for clarifications and updates, so not hesitate to contact me for any issues.
The following prices are indicative and do not necessarily correspond to the final price.Price range can vary basing on the complexity of the commission, the presence of multiple characters and their design, the body-parts involved, the presence of complex backgrounds, SFW/NSFW, the presence of complex props (armors, weapons etc.) and the license type.
Custom 2D Vtuber

+30€ extra expression
+150€ additional arm
+100€ animal features
+ 300€ for character design
• The price refers to full body characters.
• Might vary depending the complexity of the design and extra featuresIt includes:
model art, 3 simple toggles, Head&Body XYZ, Fullbody movement and physics, Eye Blink & eye smile breathing
Custom GIF Tuber

+ 10-40€ for extra expression/tail
+ 30-50€ for half-body
+ 5-30€ for each prop
+ 80€ for character design
• Mixture of keyframe and traditional animation
• Base price includes bust version, idle and speaking animation
Custom Emote

30€ Each
40€ animated
80€ for 3 emotes (110€ animated)
160€ for 6 emotes (220€ animated)
220€ for 10 emotes (370€ aniamted)
• The price refers to one
character only.
• Focus on expressions and head.
• Good for twitch, discord, telegram.
+ 20-80€ for 4 frames animation
+ 50-150€ for keyframe animation
• The price refers to one
character only.
• Focus on expression and head
• It includes a simple, gradient, textured or blurry background.
Clean Sketch
+ 40-130€ for detailed background
+ 45% for extra character
± 20€ for alternative version
• Simple artwork of your character, with limited render and shading.
• It includes a simple, gradient or blurry background.
Detailed illustration
+ 50-200€ for detailed background
+ 50% for extra character
± 30€ for alternative version
±200€ for keyframe animation
• Detailed artwork of your character, soft cell shaded
• It includes a simple, gradient, textured, blurry or sky background
Reference Sheet
+ 100€ for character design
+ 15-50€ for props
+ 25-60€ for clothing
+ 50€ for 3 expressions close ups
+ 60€ for extra full body
• Informative and clear art piece of your original character, flat coloured.
• It includes 2 full body, colour grid and infobox
Graphic Work
Starts at 60€
+ 100% for commercial use
• It includes logos, social media posts,
twitch assets, website assets...• The price can vary a lot depending on your needs
and the use of these assets.
For this reason I can't state a fixed price range
for this commission type
Experimental 3D Sculpture
Starts at 150€
retopology, textures & rigging are not included
• The sculpture will have a basic poses, fully rendered.
• fbx file with high poly model, vertex colors, 360 turnaround (video) and several rendered pictures are included
Do you want something more specific?
Feel free to contact me and we'll discuss about that!
Did you get a commissioned artwork in the past days?
Feel free to leave a review and get your 5% discount on your next commission!